.. dynode-two-connected_vanderpols Two connected Van der Pol oscillators ========================================== Imagine the situation where you have two oscillators interacting as follows: - The damping paramater (``mu``) of oscillator 1 is forced by a sinus wave according to ``0.1*sin(0.1*t)`` - The damping parmeter (``mu``) of oscillator 2 is forced to follow the the state ``y`` of oscillator 1 In dynode, the above scenario can be described and simulated as: .. code:: python from dynode import connect_signals, Simulation sys1 = VanDerPol() sys1.states.x = 1 sys2 = VanDerPol() # Connecting state y of sys1 to input mu of sys2 sys1.add_post_connection(connect_signals(sys1.states, 'y', sys2.inputs, 'mu')) # Forcing input mu of sys1 to follow a sinus function def sinus_forcer(sys, t): sys.inputs.mu = 0.1*np.sin(0.1*t) sys1.add_pre_connection(sinus_forcer) sim = Simulation() sim.add_system(sys1) sim.add_system(sys2) sim.simulate(100, 0.1)